Monday, May 08, 2006


Imagine you are a citizen in East Berlin who just watched the construction of the wall between your house and your best friend’s house. Write a letter to your friend, which will be secretly, delivered describing how you feel and what it is like to live on the communist side compared to the democratic side.

Dear Toon,

How are you my friend? I’m sorry that I didn’t write to you during the day. I was so tired. I had to go to the funeral, because my cousin was shot for trying to sneak to another side to see his girl friend. I think it couldn’t get worst. I had been trying to get to the East side too. But I have to give up, because I heard that the Berlin wall had stretched through Berlin to separate the East from the West. Also the soldiers around the wall fear me; I don’t want to get shot though. Oh man! I miss you so much. We used to hang out together everyday, but now we wouldn’t allow seeing each other any more. I hope Khrushchev would take the wall down soon, because now my family is facing with a big problem. They are working very hard and they get paid the same as their neighbors, who aren’t working at all. You know that there are many people in my family, and we don’t even have enough food to each now. Isn’t that ridiculous? I wish I could be on that side with you, Toon. By the way, how is your family? I have heard that your family own a business and making a huge profit there. That’s great Toon, so you can buy stuffs for me, Ha ha ha! Anyway, don’t forget to write back to me okay? I hope the letter will still maintain our friendship.

With love

Sunday, May 07, 2006


From this map i learn that Germany was divided in West and East. West germany was belonging to capitalist and East belonged to the communist. Morover, it shows that which country joined the NATO ,which country joined the Warsaw pact, and which remain nutrual. it also show where was the iron curtain. jake/project6/map.gif

This map shows me where Vietnam used to be split which is 17 th parallel. i learn the name of the countries and capital city around Vietnam and also where the Ho Chi Minh Trial and the majors battle was. Also shows important actions that happened during the war. VietnamWar-display.jpg

Political Cartoon

This is a picture of MAD policy. The leader on the right was khrushchev and on the left was Eisenhower. They were pointing the missilles toward each other, standing on the edge which shows that they were on the Brink of War. images/Armed_standoff_1962.jpg

The picture shows the Jonhn F. Kenedy and Khrushchev is helping each other to control the neclear war. But it seemed that they coudn't control it any longer because the nuclear war monster is bigger . CWAsia.jpg

The picture shows the compettition between US and Soviet Union, to reach the top of the flag pole. Which being on the top of the pole means being tha most powerful country. olyhist/1956oly.gif

The picture is another example of the edge of war.However it was another policy that created by John Foster Dulles the secretary of states. it was to pull the country if it fall from the edge of war. And i think this picture would have drawn by the Communist, because the artist draw the their people as a hero. USProjects/DBQs2001/To...


Truman ww2/who/pics/truman.jpg
- establish of NATO <North Atlantic Treaty Organization>
-establish of Truman Doctrine, part of US policy responded to control the agression of Soviet union.
-Truman created a massive airlift to supply Berliners in theBerlin Blokade situation.
-Increase more investment in Soviet Factories during Cold War
-Agreement of MAD With US
-Discussing with Nixon in “Kitchen Debate”
-Ordered to build Berlin Wall, to seperate West Berlin which controlled by capitalist,from the East Berlin that lead by communist.
- set nuclear missille in Cuba,point at US.
Eisenhower xuehui/yasp/pic-sheyingda...
-Pruduced a policy " New look," which was US could only use nuclear to destroy the Soviet Union
-Summit in Paris talked to Khrushchev on arm reduction.
- broke all relations with Cuba on January 3
Fidel Castro images/fidel_castro.jpg
- sign an agreement With USSR to trade for oil and machinery in 1960
-Broken relationship with America
-win Bay Of Pig invasion
-fear US asked USSR for support, by set up nuclear missille.
Ho Chi Minh ../ho-chi-minh.jpg
-declared independence to France
-establish NLF National Liberation Front
-devided Vietnam in two
-rejected negotiations with America, but soon talk after US bombed North Vietnam.
Favorite leaders
Because, he have make the study of the cold war much more exciting. During his time the tension between the country was almost reach to the highest point; US and USSR was on the brink of war. Moreover, that time the fortune of Europe was depending on the red button, which lead to the destruction of Europe, and perhaps the whole world. Additionally, I like this leaders because his actions have still affect the world, for example the policy of MAD had led to the invention of Hot Line. Which directly link between countries, and the red phone also appear in some catoon. Furthermore, the relationships between Cuba and US have not improve much, for example there is no air line from Cuba to America, so the Americans who went to Cuba wouldn't be able to come back to US.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Cold War Crisis

Berlin Wall Members-BerlinWall.jpg
If i was the people in that time, i would feel very upset. Because i wouldn't able to see my family or my friend from another side. The berlin wall had seperated the West Berlin which was a capitalism, from the East side which was communism. In my opinion, i think i was ridiculous. Imagine the road that one side was communist, people wouldn't allow to have private property, people were all paid equally, and eveything belong to government . However, when you walk across to another side which was capitalist; people had private property, and they were paid depend on thier wealth.

Agent Orange pharmgesch/Seminar/age...
These are the picture of the Vietnamese babies who got effect from Agent Orange in Vietnam War. The Agent Orange had mess up their genes, so they were born to be like this. These pictures are very scare me because until now, there are few people who still get effect from agent orange.
Vietnam War

This is the picture of Vietnamese hiding in the tunnel under the ground, to kill the American soldiers. Moreover, if I was Vietnamese, I would have done the same thing in order to free the country, because Vietnam had been controlled by foreign countries for many years. However, I have to thank the Vietnam , because without this war Thailand wouldn’t be improved as much as now, and also not become the number one rice export. vietnam/jung-top.gif

Korean War
This picture from Korean War makes me feel depressed, because it shows that a lot of people died in the war. There was around two million people were dead, which including fifty thousand North Koreans and many more injured. KoreanWarGravesite.jpg images/23_home_feature.jpg

It make me think that USA tried to show how powerful they are , by dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan to end the world war II. Which they didn't have to do this, because Japan was going to lose anyway. In addtion , this event have increased the tension between countries, which started the arm and space race. Until now, the tension between USSR and USA haven't decrease all; this make me fear that there would be another atomic bomb dropped.