Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Cold War Crisis

Berlin Wall
www.tparents.org/.../ Members-BerlinWall.jpg
If i was the people in that time, i would feel very upset. Because i wouldn't able to see my family or my friend from another side. The berlin wall had seperated the West Berlin which was a capitalism, from the East side which was communism. In my opinion, i think i was ridiculous. Imagine the road that one side was communist, people wouldn't allow to have private property, people were all paid equally, and eveything belong to government . However, when you walk across to another side which was capitalist; people had private property, and they were paid depend on thier wealth.

Agent Orange

www.pharmtech.tu-bs.de/ pharmgesch/Seminar/age...
These are the picture of the Vietnamese babies who got effect from Agent Orange in Vietnam War. The Agent Orange had mess up their genes, so they were born to be like this. These pictures are very scare me because until now, there are few people who still get effect from agent orange.
Vietnam War

This is the picture of Vietnamese hiding in the tunnel under the ground, to kill the American soldiers. Moreover, if I was Vietnamese, I would have done the same thing in order to free the country, because Vietnam had been controlled by foreign countries for many years. However, I have to thank the Vietnam , because without this war Thailand wouldn’t be improved as much as now, and also not become the number one rice export.

www.historyplace.com/.../ vietnam/jung-top.gif

Korean War
This picture from Korean War makes me feel depressed, because it shows that a lot of people died in the war. There was around two million people were dead, which including fifty thousand North Koreans and many more injured.
www.medalofhonor.com/ KoreanWarGravesite.jpg

www.learner.org/.../ images/23_home_feature.jpg

It make me think that USA tried to show how powerful they are , by dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan to end the world war II. Which they didn't have to do this, because Japan was going to lose anyway. In addtion , this event have increased the tension between countries, which started the arm and space race. Until now, the tension between USSR and USA haven't decrease all; this make me fear that there would be another atomic bomb dropped.


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