Sunday, May 07, 2006


Truman ww2/who/pics/truman.jpg
- establish of NATO <North Atlantic Treaty Organization>
-establish of Truman Doctrine, part of US policy responded to control the agression of Soviet union.
-Truman created a massive airlift to supply Berliners in theBerlin Blokade situation.
-Increase more investment in Soviet Factories during Cold War
-Agreement of MAD With US
-Discussing with Nixon in “Kitchen Debate”
-Ordered to build Berlin Wall, to seperate West Berlin which controlled by capitalist,from the East Berlin that lead by communist.
- set nuclear missille in Cuba,point at US.
Eisenhower xuehui/yasp/pic-sheyingda...
-Pruduced a policy " New look," which was US could only use nuclear to destroy the Soviet Union
-Summit in Paris talked to Khrushchev on arm reduction.
- broke all relations with Cuba on January 3
Fidel Castro images/fidel_castro.jpg
- sign an agreement With USSR to trade for oil and machinery in 1960
-Broken relationship with America
-win Bay Of Pig invasion
-fear US asked USSR for support, by set up nuclear missille.
Ho Chi Minh ../ho-chi-minh.jpg
-declared independence to France
-establish NLF National Liberation Front
-devided Vietnam in two
-rejected negotiations with America, but soon talk after US bombed North Vietnam.
Favorite leaders
Because, he have make the study of the cold war much more exciting. During his time the tension between the country was almost reach to the highest point; US and USSR was on the brink of war. Moreover, that time the fortune of Europe was depending on the red button, which lead to the destruction of Europe, and perhaps the whole world. Additionally, I like this leaders because his actions have still affect the world, for example the policy of MAD had led to the invention of Hot Line. Which directly link between countries, and the red phone also appear in some catoon. Furthermore, the relationships between Cuba and US have not improve much, for example there is no air line from Cuba to America, so the Americans who went to Cuba wouldn't be able to come back to US.


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